30 Celebs Caught without Makeup that Either Shock or Amaze Us with Their Natural Beauty


The red carpet is synonymous with glamour and perfection. Stars spend endless hours and countless dollars on looking perfect no matter the occasion. That is why it is such a shock to the general populace to see their favorite stars without all the magical fixings. Make-up and photoshop can do wonders for stars, but the lack of it can make starts seem like they have fallen far short of glory. Below are 35 stars which caused the biggest shock when they revealed themselves sans perfection.

32. Selena Gomez


This star came onto the radar with her popular role as Alex in Disney’s Wizards of Wavery Place. Since then, her stardom has skyrocketed to countless roles, a singing career, and one of the most spoken about relationships (with Justin Bieber). In all those times she looked amazing, but a picture of her al natural shows that she too relies heavily on her team of makeup artists.
